Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Cache Positive Environment Essay

AC1.1: A description of what is meant by a positive environment In both a setting and home a positive learning environment is crucial for children. There are a number of things that contribute to a positive environment. A setting or class should be engaging and dynamic place for the children attending. Creating order and removing clutter helps children to feel there in orderliness in the environment in order from them to learn, having a disorganized environment can be a distraction. Children should be provided with a clean, safe, and organized setting. Stimulating posters, pictures along with work the children have made should be put up around the setting, not only can this be engaging for the children but shows the children’s work is valued. Poster and displays should be regularly changed and updated related to the theme or topic being taught as this gives variety. The settings lay out and arrangement contributes to having a positive environment and ensuring the setting is bright and well equipped regarding toys, furniture ect. Laying down the ground rules, making the children familiar with them and are aware of the consequences if they are not followed. Children need boundaries and need to have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. Post the ground rules in the setting and always lean towards positive, rather than negative, re-enforcement of them. Give out stickers and small prizes as rewards for achievement. Be generous with praise and use positive statements to reinforce positive behaviour. Practitioners should be welcoming, happy and friendly to both children and parents. AC1.2: An identification of regulatory requirements that underpin a positive environment for children and young people In September 2008 the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) came into force placing, for the first time, a legal requirement on all early years’ providers to comply with the Government’s learning, development and welfare requirements for 0-5 year-olds. The over-arching aim of the EYFS is to help children achieve the ‘Every Child Matters’ outcomes. These aims, for children and young people aged 0-19, are to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being. EYFS states that the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning. It also says to observe the child finding out what they can do and their interests. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life. The EYFS also states that being outdoors has a positive impact on children’s sense of well-being and helps all aspects of children’s development. The Childcare Act 2006, Health & safety at work act 1974, Care Standards Act 2006 and Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults (where applicable) all have a helping in the regulatory requirements that underpin a positive environment.

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